About this blog:

Part recipe review, part food critique, and all detailing the ups and downs as I make some serious dietary changes in an attempt to better manage and control my autoimmune disease, Psoriatic Arthritis and psoriasis. (Note: I am not using diet alone to treat my disease, but to improve my daily life).

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Days 20 Fitness fight

Maybe it was a runner's high, maybe it was optimistic delusions, or possibly it was just the natural ups and downs of a flare, but I felt great!  It all started with an early morning run.  I haven't been able to run much more than 4 or 5 miles since my flare started, so my half marathon training has been stuck at 9 miles.  My last outdoor run felt so terrible that I convinced myself that I would have to start my training over.  But, I had been feeling better and spending a lot of time on the elliptical machines at the gym without much trouble.  So, my goal for the day was to run at least a 10K, or about 6.34 miles.  My hope was to be able to run 9 miles, I thought it would give me an emotional victory and I'd at least get back on track with my training. My run felt great through about mile 4, then there was a moment that I thought I was going to have to stop at 5, but I found some more inspiration and made the 10K.  It wasn't a personal best or anything, but it was a much better run than any I'd had recently.  When I stopped for a drink at 10K, a fellow runner stopped to ask about my training.  She is a Type 1 diabetic and gave me some great ideas for future races to sign up for.  This conversation gave me some motivation to keep running.  So I kept it up, I had some trouble through mile 7, but once I got to 8, I knew I could do it from there.  I did it!  I was thrilled with myself.  I felt like I'd won, I'd beat the arthritis at least for the day.

Unfortunately, the arthritis fought back, I have had an increase in my achiness since.  I had a hard time pushing the stroller at the zoo due to pains in my shoulders.  It is disappointing that I've felt so terrible since the run.  I went back to the gym for my next scheduled workout, but I lowered the intensity some. I'm hoping the resurgence is very short lived.  I'm not going to stop fighting!

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